Tag Archives: solis

Digital Storytelling Toolkit launched at the SOLIS meeting in Norway

The SOLIS partnership met in Hamar, Norway, at the end of January to work together on the final steps to complete all the intellectual outputs. The Storytelling Academy was represented by Dr Antonia Liguori (project coordinator) and Dr Fred Dalmasso. In addition to what was planned at the initial planning stage, the UK team presented the Digital Storytelling Toolkit, developed

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The Storytelling Academy at the IMS2IDT Conference in India

Dr Antonia Liguori and Prof Mike Wilson delivered their keynote opening the first two days of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Perspective on Memory Studies, Storytelling and the Impact of Digital Technologies, organised by the Department of Sciences and Humanities of the VNR Vignana Jyothy Institute of Engineering and Technology, India. The EU funded project SOLIS was presented as a

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The SOLIS Biblioteca: a co-produced set of media on inclusive education

During July the partners of the Erasmus+ project SOLIS gathered in Malta, together with teachers from each partner country to partake in SOLIS training focused on digital storytelling and the unique expertise brought by this experienced group from the UK, Norway, Turkey, Malta, Italy, Lithuania, Spain and Greece. This culminated in the recording of over 20 modules for both the

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The SOLIS team back together for a face-to-face meeting in Loughborough

On the 1st February 2022 partners of the Erasmus+ project SOLIS met at Loughborough University, UK. The SOLIS project is creating an e-learning platform with modules to promote wellbeing, inclusion and diversity in schools, as well as a mobile resource to support teachers. Central to the SOLIS project is the creation of a library of 80+ digital stories, enabling the

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The Storytelling Academy at the NAWE Conference 2022

Antonia Liguori and Alison Mott shared the digital storytelling message with delegates from across the globe this week at the conference of the National Association of Writers in Education (NAWE). Based in the UK but linked to partner-organisations across the world, NAWE is a subject association which promotes creative writing as both a distinct discipline and an essential element in

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